I designed a new logo. To me a little more grown up and sophisticated, I wanted to keep it simple and versatile. I am impressed, I am still learning, but I am not looking for it to change for a few months!
I designed a new logo. To me a little more grown up and sophisticated, I wanted to keep it simple and versatile. I am impressed, I am still learning, but I am not looking for it to change for a few months!
I appreciate the foundation in my personal and professional like that my Alma matter Prairie View A&M University provided for me. Part of the undying love I have for the institution comes from the relationships I was able to create and maintain over the years. Since I started my own business my fellow panthers have helped me so much with business, tips, kind words, and in return I try to give them timeless memories!
I first met Lori Mason when we both were working on student publications, she has such a unique and wonderful personality. After she saw the work I did with my friend and partner in crime Ms. Lamirica London she hit me up so I could provide her with fotos of for her graduation from graduate school. I am proud of her, and I hope she loves her images as much as I loved working with her!
Well I am ashamed to say, but this is actually my first entry since 2009. I spent the end of 2009 dealing with the loss of my maternal grand mother, and other unexpected things. With all I dealt with it gave me a lot of rest and restructuring time to focus on making Trademark Fotography into the type of business I have wanted it to be for some time. I have changed business practices, I am still flirting with many ideas and options, I will be updating the blog all week with work from the first half of 2010, and I am excited to have a long list of clients. I want my blog to take you on a more personal level with both myself, and my clients. I am also in the final design stages of my new website, so make sure you follow me on twitter @trademarkfotos and "like" me on facebook, as I update daily! I love you all thanks for your support and continued prayers, I am forever great....Now enough of all that check out some of my work!!!! #watchmewurk!